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Looking for Ways to Help
In an effort to build up our parish community, our local community and beyond, these groups and committees provide many services and events for our parish members as well as numerous opportunities to serve others.
Advent Giving Tree
The members of this ministry help collect, organize and distribute Christmas gifts to the needy within the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. They help bring joy to many on Christmas Day!
Bereavement Ministry and Funerals
Evelyn Walsh, evelynwalsholg@gmail.com
We’re here to help you during this difficult time. Our clergy, staff and members of our Bereavement Ministry will work with you to plan your loved one’s funeral mass and answer any questions related to preparing for funerals and options available in funeral planning.
Central Bucks County Christian Ministerium
Paul Ochadlick, xlfive@yahoo.com
This ecumenical group of local churches including Baptist, Catholic, Episcopal, United Church of Christ, Independent and other denominations combine efforts to support and help a local charity.
Dinner for Eight
Dinner for Eight is held four times a year and it provides adult parishioners an opportunity to socialize. Each participant hosts one dinner for eight guests once a year.
Face to Face
Jeanne Reiche, jmreiche@yahoo.com
Face to Face is a non-profit organization that assists struggling families, individuals and the homeless in Germantown, PA. OLG ministry members participate in projects and opportunities to serve those in need.
Foreign Missions
Sean McArdle, seanpmcardle@aol.com
One way we fulfill our parish mission is by assisting a parish and Catholic school in Haiti with donations, mission trips and more.
The Love In Deed Service Ministry helps God’s people through hands-on works of charity. Our activities fulfill both the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy. We provide food for the hungry, companionship and comfort for the lonely and sick, plus, shelter and clothing for the those in need.
The Hospitality ministry organizes gatherings with refreshments after Mass several times each year.
Ed Zupanc; Grand Knight, edwardzupanc@gmail.com
Today, the Knights of Columbus represent the largest Catholic lay organization of men. The OLG Council was formed in 2012 and all Catholic men over the age of 18 are invited to join.
Ladies of OLG
Cathy Drew, cmdrew@comcast.net
All women of the parish are invited to social, spiritual and educational activities that will inspire fellowship and friendship.
OLG 55+ Club
All parish members age 55 and older are welcome to attend our monthly meetings. This club participates in service projects, as well as organizing many trips and social events.
Pediatric Specialty Care Ministry
Helene Haus, Helenehaus@comcast.net
Are you able to spend some time with medically fragile and technology dependent children from Infant to age 21? If so, the Pediatric Specialty Care center is looking for adult volunteers to sing a song, read a book, play, talk, keep the children company or just hold a hand. We need volunteers who can visit for one hour once a week or once a month.
Prayer Shawl
If you knit or crochet (or would like to learn), you can join this group that gather to make prayer shawls. Members pray for recipients and the shawls are blessed before being given away.
Respect Life
The goal of our Respect Life Committee is to promote the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death by prayer, education and support for crisis pregnancy homes and centers in Bucks County.
Karen Babik, kbabik1@verizon.net
This ministry seeks to create an awareness of the needs of our parishioners with disabilities and to identify ways to increase belonging and inclusion at OLG. We welcome members with disabilities, their caregivers, and anyone who feels called to help widen the welcome and the support of our members with any disability at any age. We strive to increase their participation at Mass and at all opportunities for community at OLG.
Social Committee
Bob and Louise Silberg, bobsilberg@gmail.com
The Social Committee is part of the Parish Pastoral Council. This group plans events throughout the year for parish fellowship and fundraising. Previous events include golf outings, Beef and Beers, concerts and more. New volunteers and ideas are welcome.
Squires Circle
Paul Mangan, prmangan75@gmail.com or Steve Lane, leensdad@verizon.net
The Squires Circle is a youth organization of the Knights of Columbus. Christian males (age 10-18) participate in charity, service and social events.
Welcome Committee
Katie Mullen, katiemullen19@comcast.net
This committee reaches out to new parishioners and welcomes them to OLG.