living our faith
Our Faith Formation and Evangelization committees and groups are committed to helping us to grow in our understanding of living our Catholic Faith in an active and productive way, as well as sharing our Catholic Faith with our families, our communities and beyond.
Mark Capofari, mark.capofari@gmail.com
CYO sports is a wonderful opportunity for children and teens in our parish to participate in variety of sports in a Catholic environment.
Mary McArdle, marytmcardle@aol.com
Children’s Liturgy of the Word takes place during the 9:30 am Mass on Sundays from late September to mid-June. All children from Kindergarten through 2nd grade are welcome to attend; no registration is necessary. Before the Liturgy of the Word, the children, accompanied by a catechist and assistants, proceed to the chapel, where they listen to and discuss the Gospel at their level of understanding. Following the Prayers of the Faithful, they re-enter the church and continue the community celebration of the Eucharist with their parents.
Deacon Brady, dcnbobb90@gmail.com
As Catholics, we are called to live our faith everyday by sharing the good news of Jesus Christ and making new disciples.
David Serrano González, dhm@olguadalupe.org
Ministry focused on providing programs for our Spanish-speaking parishioners
Karen Brody, DRE@olguadalupe.org
(PREP) - Through time in weekly class, activities at church and celebrating the liturgical seasons through the year, our students are able learn about Jesus and his love.
The birth of a child is a most beautiful event and your child’s Baptism is an important event in their life. Pre-Jordan is when new parents prepare for the Baptism of their children into the light of the Church.
Mike Herron, DAFF@olguadalupe.org
The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults is the new name for RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults). Christian Initiation of Adults is the process when people become Catholic. These candidates learn more about the Catholic faith and its beliefs and practices.
Lisa Kopertowski, youthministry@olguadalupe.org
Our Youth Ministry has something for everyone. Our meetings and events are full of fun, food, friends and faith.