How to help
Giving online is simple, secure and convenient. Give a one-time gift or schedule ongoing donations for the weekly offertory using your checking account or credit card. Choose the day of the week (or month) that you give and support Our Lady of Guadalupe even when you are out of town or unable to attend Mass. We're grateful to all those who have transitioned to this method of consistent, sustained giving.
Text Giving– Use the App!
Giving to Our Lady of Guadalupe via the app is easy. Get Parish Giving on Google Play or download on the Apple App Store. Set up an account in as little as two minutes. The Parish Giving app uses industry-leading security to protect your personal information and is never charged to your phone bill.

No envelope. No problem.
You can give in person at our parish office during the week or at the Welcome Booth during weekend Masses. No envelopes required. All checks will be automatically noted on your year-end giving statement.

Non-cash Gifts
Did you know you can donate non-cash gifts? You can donate marketable securities such as stocks, bonds or mutual funds. You can also give other non-cash gifts or include Our Lady of Guadalupe in your estate planning.
Is there a deadline for contributions?
Cash contributions must be dated on or before December 31 and received shortly thereafter to be included on your year-end giving statement. Online transactions must be initiated by December 31.
Where can I see my past giving?
If you utilize Parish Giving, you can log into your account and see your donation history at any time. If you don’t utilize egiving, contact the parish office and a statement will be mailed to you.
Where can I update my contact information?
If you use Parish Giving for your contributions, you can update your contact information anytime on the "My User Account" portion of the Parish Giving website. Not enrolled in Parish Giving? No problem – just contact the parish office if you have a change of address, email or other contact information.
Please contact the parish office or the parish business manager if you have further questions.
Parish Business Manager:
SO MANY ways you can give:
Your weekly Church envelope is a great gift
to our parish community.
The Parish Giving program is simple, secure, and consistent.
You are always welcome
to contact us to discuss creative ways to give.