One hundred percent of stewardship donations stay in Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish. Every fall, Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish has its Annual Stewardship Campaign Appeal. During this campaign, we ask parishioners to make a one-time gift to support our parish ministries and our church.
Donate any time to Stewardship. Although our campaign is in the Fall, people can donate any time throughout the year to support Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish.
Annual Stewardship Campaign Appeal Report, 2023-2024
Through the Stewardship Campaign Appeal, along with some other generous resources, we have been able to provide important funding to support our strategic plan which includes our evangelization efforts that normally would have come from our operating expenses or would not come to fruition at all.
These endeavors have concretely added to our ability to be a vibrant welcoming parish family, growing disciples and making Church matter. The following are the past areas where Stewardship monies were dispersed. Be assured that all monies stay here within the parish.
Ministries and organizations annual budgets
Evangelization efforts and outreach
Youth and Young Adult Ministry
New Adult Faith Formation initiative
Hispanic Ministry
Infrastructure for artistic work and environment
Safety and security advancements
Media technology enhancements
Administrative costs
Reserve fund
Pastoral Care Reserve Fund
Support of Charitable Agencies - local, regional and internationally
It may interest you to know that, because of your generosity with stewardship, above and beyond this appeal, we were able to make additional significant contributions to our Spanish-speaking community, our mission parish in Bois-De-Laurence, Haiti, St. Anne Church and St. John Bosco School, as well as provide necessary care to our local poor and needy.
I trust that you feel confident that we are making good use of your sacrifice and generosity, and we depend upon it again this year, in order to provide these important services to help us live out the spiritual and corporal works of mercy. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the office for any necessary clarifications.
2023-24 Goal: $150,000
Achieved in 2023: $212,519
Achieved in 2022: $177,163
Achieved in 2021: $186,030
Achieved in 2020: $203,000
OLG Surpasses Annual
Stewardship Campaign Appeal Goal - 2022
Today, we give sincere thanks for everyone’s kind and generous support of our Stewardship Campaign Appeal. As we reach the close of our appeal, we have raised $176,212 towards our goal of $150,000. We had 466 parish families contribute to the campaign. Thank you to all of our parishioners who have participated. These resources help us support our parish ministries, maintain our spiritual home and help those in need.
If you have not already responded and would like to, please visit our online egiving option. You may also place your response card and check in the weekly collection or return to the parish office using the remit envelope enclosed with your letter.
Thank you!
Goal: $150,000
Achieved: $ 176,212
Last year:
Goal: $150,000
Achieved: $175,950

Our Stewardship Campaign supports many programs right here in our parish such as: Adult Faith, Health and Wellness, Parish upkeep and improvements, Foreign Missions, our sister parish in Haiti, Music, Youth Ministries and, so much more. Please contact us with any questions you may have about Stewardship.
Parish Business Manager:

so many ways you can give:
Your weekly Church envelope is a great gift
to our parish community.
The Parish Giving program is simple, secure, and consistent.
You are always welcome
to contact us to discuss creative ways to give.